Company Director FAQs | Brighton Company Formations
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Directors & Secretaries

Directors & Secretaries

What is the minimum number of officers a company requires?

Private companies: The Companies Act 2006 requires a private company to have at least one director. A company’s articles of association may impose a higher minimum requirement for the number of directors. At least one director must be an individual. A private company does not need to have a secretary unless this is required by the articles.

Public companies a public company must have at least two directors and a secretary. At least one director must be an individual. The secretary of a public company must be qualified.

Can anyone be a company director?

It is up to the members to appoint the people they believe will run the company well on their behalf. The only restrictions that prevent anyone becoming a director are:

  • they must not have been disqualified from acting as a company director
  • they must not be an undischarged bankrupt
  • they must not be under the age of 16;

In addition, at least one director must be an individual.

What filing responsibilities apply to directors?

Directors must prepare and file documents required under the Companies Act 2006, including the annual accounts and annual returns. Failure to file these documents could result in directors being prosecuted and fined up to £5,000 for each offence and the company could also be struck off the register. In addition, the company will be liable to a civil penalty if its accounts are delivered late. We are able to assist in the restoration of companies that have been removed or struck off the register. Please contact us. If you would like any assistance or advice relating to the restoration of a company please call us on 0207 554 2207 or email us at

Does a company secretary need any qualifications?

Not in the case of a private company. A secretary of a public company must be suitably qualified.